Puxin 10m3
Let freedom ring! In the land of the Liberty Bell a new bid for independence has been launched with the creation of America's first Puxin 10m3 biogas system at the homestead farm of Jody and Bob Spangler. Built by our Solar CITIES team with help from Envisaj Mercy students and community members, the successful completion of a biogas system of this size in the winter gives us a chance to evaluate performace throughout the cold months and make the necessary improvements so that this size class of small scale biogas can get off the launchpad in the good 'old US of A.
When the pours were finished in Niteroi T.H.
Working with the American NGO "UrbanBioRecovery: Digesters for Development" (originally called "Solar Cities Solutions" from 2012 through July 2014) Solar CITIES e.V. intern Jorma Gorns joined T.H. Culhane on a project bringing Puxin 10m3 biodigester molds to sites in Rio De Janeiro. The initial work was done by Solar Cities Solution's "Biogas Education Team" members T.H. Culhane, Yair Teller and Marcello Ambrosio, working with Dr.
The project in Al Najaf, Iraq was run by our member Taha Majeed Lafta, Chemical engineer form the Ministry of Science & technology, Renewable energy directorate.
Working with Chance for Growth e.V. we built our first Puxin 10m3 system at the Allouette School for Girls on Palawan island.
For more information see http://www.chanceforgrowth.org/gallery/biogas-fur-palawan/?lang=en
In 2012 Dr. T.H. Culhane (Ph.D.) joined doctors Sven Volkmuth and Christian Kories (MDs!) to build their first Puxin 10m3 biogas system on the island of Palawan and held the first international biogas conference in Palawan
Read more about it here: http://www.chanceforgrowth.org/gallery/biogas-fur-palawan/