The Solar CITIES solar heated IBC biodigester in Auja Bedouin Village in Palestine.
This was the first field deployment of our new "refugee camp" biogas system made from 3 IBCs with a passive solar heating window on the south side. We did field trials at Tamera Ecovillage in Portugal, at Kathy Puffer's Homestead Ecosystem in Tilsson NY and at Janice Kelsey's Homestead Ecosystem in Glenmoore Pennsylvania.
Piggybacking off of tantalizing and suggestive data from our experiments at Tamera Solar Test Field with a black IBC insulated on three sides and covered with two layers of clear stretch wrap plastic on the south and west sides, we decided to take one of our soy-based polyurethane foam insulated biodigesters up to Kathy Puffer's Homestead Ecosystem location in Tillson NY, cut out the foam on the south facing side, paint the IBCs exposed wall black and foam in a double pane glass window.
To launch our Green Faith Initiative in New York, Solar CITIES US team built the Empire State's first biodigester in a house of worship at the First Unitarian Church in Hastings New York on a sunny Sunday in mid June, making it a true Holy day for us. The digester is of the Solar CITIES insulated IBC design and is situated at the church's community vegetable garden where its fertile liquid compost will turn food wastes back into nutritious food.